About Media Are Plural

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Yes, Pat drew this microphone

Media Are Plural is a blog where Pat Reddick writes about arts, technology, and culture. Topics vary widely from post to post, but every post is about media (conveniently, almost everything is media).

This blog contains weird takes, like how Waluigi should have a dating sim centred on him. We also post fact-based content, such as a retrospective on the late-90s Pokémon boom. There’s even some creative content, like the post where Pat accidentally wrote fan fiction for card games like Solitaire. The weirder the better.

The past

Media are Plural started in 2012 as a radio show. It was broadcast through the facilities of Trent Radio in Peterborough, Ont. In 2016, when Pat moved from Peterborough to Toronto, he kept the idea alive as a blog until well into 2017.

Then life got in the way. Pat found that full-time media work got in the way of running a blog. So he let Media Are Plural become the sort of abandoned internet relic that, frankly, would make a fitting topic of discussion on the site. That is, until the bill for domain hosting services came in.

Three years later, no one had taken the domain name and Pat had a little more time on his hands, so he brought the site back. He even got a three-year deal on web hosting, so this baby’s gunna be online till at least late 2023!

The future of Media Are Plural

Media Are Plural posts new content almost every Wednesday, typically between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET.

Since Media Are Plural’s roots are in radio, it makes sense to one day create a podcast. It’s just a matter of finding an idea that works, and saving up the dough to pay for the hosting fees. A podcast is a question of when, not if, so keep your eyes peeled for that one day.

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