I need to complain about video games that feel like work
Let’s talk about video games that feel like work. There is much discussion about gamification – a strategy of making work easier by making it feel like a…
All the posts about things that go “bleep bloop” or … whatever sound trading cards make. This is the section for anything related to gaming.
Most of what you’ll find covers video games, but I’ve done topics on trading card games (TCGs) and even old-school card games too.
Gaming is a fundamentally multi-media experiences, which is why I am so drawn to it. In a TCG, each card showcases graphic design work, visual art, and creative interpretations of rules. On your screen, video games tell stories, provide a soundtrack, and have a visual identity that makes them unique.
It’s no wonder I spend so much time talking about them. There’s just so much to say.
Let’s talk about video games that feel like work. There is much discussion about gamification – a strategy of making work easier by making it feel like a…
I had a lot of time on my hands over the holidays. That’s the only way to explain how we ended up here. During those many free hours,…
So, the Cyberpunk 2077 saga somehow became more of a shitshow. Sony has pulled the game from the Playstation 4 store. It is also offering refunds to anyone…
So, Cyberpunk 2077 is a bit of a mess eh? Even before its release we knew the developers were dealing with crunch conditions and the game had a…
Like all the best Media are Plural posts, this one is inspired by a meme. It argues that contemporary video games are too long, the workplaces in which…
I’ve wanted to do an article about trading card games (TCGs) for ages – before the old blog went offline, in fact – but inspiration never struck. They’re…
In this week’s event that no one had on their 2020 Bingo card, the magician Uri Geller announced he would allow Pokémon to resume using Kadabra on trading…
When Nintendo finally lets Waluigi be the hero of his own game, it ought to be a dating simulator. I’m serious and I have good reasons for this…
This article about the 90s first appeared on the old mediaareplural.ca in August, 2016. Crystal Pepsi was actually available in stores. Regrettably, Pepsi discontinued the beverage a second…
This article on trends and fads first appeared on the old mediaareplural.ca in June, 2016. Last week I talked about how Pokémon is not a fad, sticking it…